The resource for programmers and aficionados of Jewish and Israeli cinema
Image from The Viewing Booth by Ra’anan Alexandrowicz
“A wonderful idea, Jewish Film Review promises to be an important tool for programmers and film lovers alike.”
— Nir Cohen, Head of Programming UK Jewish Film
“David Shem-Tov’s recommendations are insightful and help our festival in our film selection process.”
— David Finkel, Director Austin Jewish Film Festival
Programming assistance - Marketing - Festival consultancy - Customised research
In the age of proliferating viewing platforms offering an almost unlimited range of content, the importance of quality film curation that delivers timely, intellectually stimulating, socially bonding and entertaining experiences is the key to a successful festival.
About David Shem-Tov
As a freelance consultant, I attend key first tier festivals and have developed extensive industry contacts. For a modest monthly retainer, I can learn your festival’s programming needs and source, evaluate and/or negotiate licensing for you. I can also undertake research projects for all your festival management needs. Contact david[at]jewishfilmreview.com